Ash – Amsterdamse Bos 1962-2019

At Meatless Farm, we are always curious about brands that are driven by sustainability. In our search for sustainable and ethically sourced merchandise, we found Hout van je Stad (Wood of your City). Hout van je Stad creates sustainable wooden products from Amsterdam trees that fell down due to a storm or needed to be taken down because of other reasons. Normally these trees are shredded or used for firewood. By using this wood, Hout van je Stad not only prevents the waste of premium wood, but also creates products with a (hi)story.

About our plant-based products

Made purely from plants, the Meatless Farm range provides all the satisfyingly rich texture and succulence of your favourite meat products, without the excess saturated fat, additional calories or unnecessary environmental impact. It’s meatless, but not as you know it.

Lovingly made from ingredients like heart-friendly pea protein and ethically sourced soya, these wholesome meat alternatives can easily be swapped into your favourite everyday dishes. Produced using less land, water and greenhouse gas emissions, they’re kinder to our beautiful world too.

Join the meatless revolution. Change tastes great!